USA Here scientific experimental instrument co., LTD., is to have the world cutting-edge technology level set research and development, production allindustrialized production of laboratory instruments and equipment in the industry of independent brands, headquartered in the United States; Broke out inthe end of last century the innovation of science and technology, and is committed to medicine and experimental science industry. American KROWNUShas with more than 10 countries and regions in the world partners established stable cooperation relations, the scientific research and a number ofexperimental instruments and equipment for the Asian market, at the same time in domestic production center is equipped with manufacturer cooperationwith the United States.
KROWNUS product after half a century of experience and test, from domestic brands to international brands, have in the scientific experiment industrybrand height and achievements; Product quality is stable, high-end equipment has reached the international advanced level, authoritative qualfcationcerification and itellectual propety rights, also provide good ater-sales service and high quality solutions.